Scott Robert Shaw
The English Tenor
Singer, artistic director, producer
The English Tenor
With cycles from Ivor Gurney, Benjamin Britten, Ralph Vaughan Williams, Gerald Finzi and Roger Quilter, Scott Robert Shaw’s debut “The English Tenor”, takes us on a beautifully performed journey through a Golden Age of British music and who’s who of English Song. With a wide variety of accompanying artists and instruments, a broad range of text settings and a mix of cornerstone works alongside lesser-known cycles, “The English Tenor” is a thrilling debut album that has received high praise from critics and was nominated for the German Record Critic’s Award.
Scott Robert Shaw works as The English Tenor, a now rarely-used term describing a tenor that specialises in English music. Whether on the operatic or oratorio stage, as an ensemble singer or soloist, his cultural roots to the British music world run deep.
He has a close musical relationship with Australian composer Timothy Collins, and has performed and recorded his music extensively. His second solo album, containing two Collins cycles that he commissioned, is due for release in 2025.
In addition to his work as a soloist, Scott is artistic director and vocalist of Conceptus, a multi-disciplinary ensemble dedicated to recording and performing works and song cycles from the 19th and 20th centuries and beyond. He is also a member of the exciting new ensemble Wilde Duo, which specialises in vocal and chamber music works without piano.
Scott is convinced that the world would be a better place if we all watched Test cricket, learned how to make a decent cappuccino, and drank tea with milk. He recommends Twining’s Lady Grey tea, which he buys in bulk whenever he’s in London.

Wilde Duo
A new and exciting violin and voice duo with chamber music, poetry, song and artistic outreach at its heart.
A chamber music group performing and recording great works from the past and present like no other.
The English Tenor
Solo and ensemble singer, recording and performing artist, film producer and actor, artistic and commissioning director.
Upcoming Calendar Events
Recital: Concerti del Tempietto, Rome
With works by Vaughan Williams, Butterworth, Quilter and Seiber, from the albums “The English Tenor” and “Gods, Ghosts and Monsters”.
18:30 August 23, Chiostro Campitelli Rome, Italy
Tenor soloist: F. Schubert, Messe in G-Dur
18:30 July 5, St Benediktus Düsseldorf-Heerdt
Conductor: Maria Saltykova
Tenor soloist: Benjamin Britten, Rejoice in the Lamb
17:00 22 June, Trinitatiskirche Köln
Conductor: Joachim Geibel